Young Audiences: Insights

INSIGHT SESSION: Data Dos and Dont’s, Will and Wont’s
Felix Canetty-Clarke, Media Insight Consulting
Ok, so this is going to blow the doors off your thinking around data. Coming up from Felix all you need to know about when data does and doesn’t work, and when you should and shouldn’t listen to what it’s ‘telling’ you. This session is guaranteed to make you 50% smarter than you were before it.
INSIGHT SESSION: Making Social Work for you
Charlie Ivens, Social Media Consultant
3.10-3.40pm, Trefusis Room
We’re all friends now, right? We live in an era of ‘clicktivism’; we’ve all got hundreds (ok thousands) of ‘friends’ and followers, but then they’re ‘friends’ with thousands of other people. The end result? It’s really hard to get heard, to win people’s attention. Sorry, did you say you missed that? I said ‘It’s really hard to win…Oh, never mind’. Sharing his top tips on making social work for you – in person, but no doubt he’ll be happy if you tweet them – is Charlie Ivens, all round top digital content person and a real music buff to boot. Social wordage, the power or not of a like, RT schmee-tweet and loads more. #nottobemissed
The Young Audiences strand is in association with YouthSight – the UK’s leading youth research agency.
Have you booked yet? Tickets are £40. Discounts available for members of PRS for Music, the MU and Under 21’s. Grab a place at the One Dayer HERE.
1st July 2015, 10am-7pm, Cecil Sharp House, Camden.
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