A community of the curious and the generous

We think. We do. We Learn. We share.
Those are the guiding principles of the hub. Inherently curious about the world around us, and by nature collaborative, sharing what we know is second nature to us. It’s just how we roll. We’ve always been generous with our contacts too; we love connecting people to make something positive happen. And along the way we’ve met others who think like us, and are generous with who and what they know too.
Joining the Dots, our latest hub lab project, is based on two premises: firstly, that we need new models if we are all going to make a living out of the music we love, and secondly, that we’d all be a bit smarter if we shared with each other what we know.
We all – each and every one of us – know something someone else would find useful – so how much cleverer would we all be if we shared a bit more?
That’s got us thinking about how great it would be to help kickstart ‘a community of the curious and the generous’, a gang of like-minded people in the creative sector who commit to sharing what they know. A knowledge and experience bank if you like, where all the shareholders are community members, and the capital being traded is collective knowledge and experience, shared for our own individual benefit and for the greater good.
Follow our lead, join the community, share what you know and find useful.
We’ve made a start. Through Joining the Dots we’re producing events, webinars and online content that we’re sharing via our website. We’ve built a new community resources section on our the site too, that’s open to all. And we’re busy calling in favours, asking friends and colleagues to contribute things they’ve written or podcasts or presentations they’ve made, or to put something new together. Meanwhile, we’re doing all we can to share this content as widely as possible – via our own social media and community email list, community members and other colleagues.
Share something of yours – or recommend something you’ve seen or heard
We’d love you to get involved too – share something that you think other would find useful. Maybe you want to recommend a brilliant TED talk, podcast or book? Or maybe you’ve done some audience research you think other people could learn from? In either case, drop us a line at hello@thehubuk.com if you want to chat.
Or simply join up now, and share later!
Maybe you don’t have anything to share just now, maybe you’re feeling a bit shy, but are interested in being part of the community anyhow, and sharing all that knowledge with people you know. That’s great too. The more the merrier. Just click here, and we’ll have you joined up in no time. And
Finally, there is one other thing you could do if you like the sound of all this. We’d absolutely love it if you would tell your friends about it! Especially if they’re curious and generous too.