Our development programmes respond strategically to sector-wide needs and enable people to better meet their potential.
Through live events we can catalyse new creative practice and test approaches to developing audiences.
Our ‘hub lab’ projects are where we ‘scratch our creative itches’, explore solutions to sector challenges and experiment with new ideas.

Joining the Dots
Joining the Dots was a support programme for entrepreneurial artists, promoters and others working in independent music in England. Through the programme we sought to support game-changing ideas, share know-how and connect people. Read More

RE-SET: virtual action learning for artists and creative freelancers
RE:SET is a virtual action learning programme for creative freelancers, artists and other creative entrepreneurs based in England. Designed in response to Covid 19, it brings together peers from across the sector to help each other explore their challenges, opportunities and dilemmas and unlock new insights. Read More

New Music Plus…
New Music Plus…, delivered in partnership with PRS for Music Foundation, supported the development of independent music producers and arts organisations who wanted to diversify their artistic programmes and engage new audiences. Read More

Phrased & Confused
Phrased & Confused puts poets and musicians together to create gorgeous lyrical feasts for music lovers and secret wordsmiths alike. Since 2004, we’ve produced 3 national tours, have developed a regular presence on the festival circuit, and commissioned 20 new pieces of work. Read More