Eventbox: Live music discovery app

Eventbox is a mobile app and website that lets you listen to listings to discover music events happening nearby. So within one kilometre, or any distance, of where you are, you can listen to music from musicians, bands and DJs performing tonight, or on any night, to figure what you and friends want to go to.

Like a lot of good ideas, Eventbox came into being in response to a problem: that it’s not easy to find events you want to go to when location is a key consideration. Yes, you can tour your way round lots of venue’s websites, but even if you have the time and inclination to do that, you’re often none the wiser as to what the artist will sound like, and if they’re for you.

Listen to local gig listings

It was this truth that led Joey Baxter and the Eventbox team to develop their pioneering location-based mobile app. Joey adds, I hate seeing names of artists on listings and not knowing who they are. Listings often contain words upon words about an artist when all you want to do is hear them. Why not let their artistry lead you to a decision?”

Their solution is a location aware mobile app for discovering music events that lets you listen to listings. So within 1km, or any distance, of where you are, you can listen to music from musicians, bands and DJs performing tonight, or on any night, to figure what you and friends want to go to.


The motivation behind Eventbox is to help venues and promoters sell the thousands of tickets that go unsold every year, and to help more artists and promoters make a living from live music. With the help of our Joining the Dots programme, Eventbox have launched the first iteration of the app, and are currently testing and checking their thinking with venues and fans.  Joey says ”

“Being part of Joining The Dots has been so much more than financial support. It has been a ticket into the heart of the music industry. It has assisted each stage of development by providing a sounding board and by opening doors. It has been a place of sharing ideas within a community who share a desire for the same ends as eventbox: to bring more live music intro more people lives and to support the people who make it happen.”

Read Joey’s blog on the process of developing his idea to a market-ready product here.

If you’d like to be an early tester of the app, or if you’re an industry pro who’d like to find out more and feed into its development, visit EventBox.fm or contact Joey directly at joey@eventbox.fm.