Meet the RE:SET team

“I think that basically bonds of trust between us developed because we’re in kind of a safe space, in a small group and we have Julia there who helps us, keeps us kind of focused.”


Our four sets will be facilitated and guided by two of the hub’s action learning facilitators – Steve Goatman and Fiona Mason – plus the hub’s Director, Julia Payne, will also be on hand with some tips and pointers along the way. We’re all really friendly and passionate advocates for action learning, and are really looking forward to being able to support our fellow creatives through these difficult first few months of 2021. You can find out a bit more about us here….


Julia Payne (Director)

Julia is a hugely experienced and ILM-accredited action learning facilitator, and has been facilitating sets with her peers across the creative sector for close to a decade. In that time she’s worked with everyone from composers to set designers, poets and even circus performers. She’s also a qualified Relational Dynamics coach and a mentor on a number of national artist and producer mentoring programme.

As well as leading RE:SET, Julia is also busy delivering the hub’s BALANCE programme right now. BALANCE is a series of talks and drop in sessions, delivered in partnership with the Creative Industries Federation, which focuses on why artists and creative freelancers need to balance their minds if they want to balance their books. If you need to get better at putting protecting your mental health at the top of your to do list, you might want to check it out!


Steve Goatman (Associate)

Steve’s work at the hub focused mainly on supporting our action learning work. Outside of his work at the hub, Steve works as an independent coach, educator and creative producer. Having trained as a Relational Dynamics coach in 2019, and excited by the transformative nature of action learning, Steve’s work as a facilitator complements his coaching practice, which again has a focus on supporting his peers across the creative sector.

Like most of us at the hub, Steve wears a number of hats (he does actually have a baseball cap with ‘coach’ on it!), which means he brings a wealth of highly relevant experience and insight to his work on RE:SET. He worked at the Lakeside Theatre, Art Exchange for a number of years, producing new work and developing new audiences. Between 2015-18 he was Associate Producer at Pacitti Company, whilst also building a freelance career producing for queer, disabled and/or formally cutting-edge artists such as Ron Athey, Daniel Oliver, Roberta Jean and Vincent Gambini. Since 2018, he’s also taught on the BA Drama course at University of Essex.


Fiona Mason (Associate)

Fiona has been part of the hub team for a number of years, drawing on her producing, fundraising and strategic planning experience. She’s a qualified Relational Dynamics coach and a mentor to creative companies and freelancers. She has long experience in the UK’s creative sector, gained over 25 years as a plate-spinner-in-chief with roles from creative producer to artist manager to exec director to cutter and sticker.

It was personal experience of burnout that led Fiona to seek smarter ways of working that could get the job done without jeopardising personal wellbeing. Action learning has become her go-to tool for maintaining balance and perspective during work and life challenges. After embarking on her own personal reset, she now works hard to create space for her personal passions – writing, and facilitating creative writing and writing for wellbeing programmes. She’s also a qualified Laughter Yoga leader. Seriously!


Want the proper lowdown on each type of RE:SET action learning set?

Sold on the idea, and want in for 2021?! You can apply HERE.
Want to know what Edition#1 RE:SETTERS  think?
Watch our participant video HERE.
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Want the lowdown on our weekly sets? Head HERE.
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