Making gender equality in the music industry a reality…. What can we all do?

The music industry can look an awful lot like a man’s world, even in 2018. Fewer than 1 in 5 songwriters in the UK are female, just 1 in 6 labels are majority-owned by women, and fewer than a third of those working in the industry are female. Get to the upper echelons, and only […]Read More

[View the story “Here’s one we made earlier – notes from our Make Do & Bend Ideas Lab” on Storify]Read More

Boomstand – the pop up sound system going places

Hwa Young Jung blogs on the latest outing of Boomstand, a pop up sound system developed during the hub’s Bring & Byte hack weekend in Hebden Bridge in May 2015. Boomstand is a sound system for public space. We install pop-up sound systems in public spaces for anyone to play music through and for musicians, poets, […]Read More