The #OneDayer – A Storify Summary

[View the story “The OneDayer: Finance, Technology and the Future of Independent Music” on Storify]Read More

‘Fresh ideas… knowledge, greater understanding, confidence and new people’ – what musicians will get from The One Dayer

the hub’s One Dayer – Independent Music, Money & Tech takes place in Camden on 1 July. In her latest blog, the hub’s Director, Julia Payne, talks about why the event is a ‘must go to’ event for musicians, songwriters and composers working in beyond mainstream music – and what they can expect to get […]Read More

Top 5 Tips – Getting the most out of your #OneDayer

This sounds like the sort of guide you might read on your way to a festival, which is exactly what we hope you’ll feel when you head to July’s One Dayer. It’s a chance to meet loads of people working in your industry, from musicians to techies, promoters to producers, journalists, funders and entrepreneurs. But […]Read More