Balance #4: Work, rest and play….How to stay creative and positive

According to Albert Einstein, “creativity is intelligence having fun”, and our September Balance talk, all about Work, Rest and Play: How to Stay Creative and Positive, explored how, as creatives, we can sustain our creativity – the juice we run on – to thrive in this so-called ‘new normal’. Yet again we were joined by […]Read More

Balance #3: Sorting the Shoulds from the Coulds: Staying motivated and making good choices

Our latest Balance talk was all about sorting the shoulds from the coulds… staying motivated, making good decisions amidst chaos, and finding the right path to a future you’ve had a hand in inventing. Pondering all of this with me, and offering insights-a-plenty along the way, was Andy Gibson, founder of Mindapples, and between us […]Read More

Balance #2: How to cope when uncertainty feels like the only certainty

After our 1st Balance talk last month looked at why we need to balance our minds if we want to balance our books, our 2nd talk explored uncertainty…How to make better friends with it, how getting to know ourselves a little bit better can help with that, and how we can move forward from chaos, […]Read More

Balance #1: Why we need to balance our minds to balance our books

  Balance is a new series of online talks and drop in sessions we’ve developed for artists and creative freelancers or entrepreneurs who want to learn how to take better care of their minds and their businesses.   Our first Balance session this month explored exactly why we – as artists, creative freelancers and entrepreneurs – […]Read More

Building a Mindapples ‘orchard’ for the creative sector!

Earlier this week we ran the first in our new series of Balance talks, all about why – as artists and creative entrepreneurs – we need to balance our minds if we want to balance our books. We were joined live by close to a hundred people from across the creative sector  – writers, film […]Read More

Free virtual action learning programme NOW OPEN FOR applications in Chelmsford

With people across the creative sector struggling to make sense of how we’ll live and make a living while Covid-19 continues to make its impact felt on our daily lives,  the need for peer support has arguably never been greater. That’s why I’m really excited to be launching a new virtual action learning programme for […]Read More

You can’t fight a global pandemic from your spare room – so be kind to yourself

When we first went into lockdown a couple of months ago, I went into rescuer mode. Like many others around me, my first thought was “Well, I’ve got to help those I can”, followed swiftly by “So what can I do to help?”.  Because helping people invent better futures is kind of what I do […]Read More

So this is what kindness sounds like!

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and with the theme for this year being kindness, I spent a really enjoyable few hours earlier in the week putting together a little playlist of top tunes that tip a hat to kindness. I had a lovely time, listening to some old faves (surely it’s impossible to […]Read More

Free virtual action learning programme NOW OPEN FOR applications in Southend

With people across the creative sector struggling to make sense of how we’ll live and make a living while Covid-19 continues to make its impact felt on our daily lives,  the need for peer support has arguably never been greater. That’s why I’m really excited to be launching a new virtual action learning programme for […]Read More

Free virtual action learning programme NOW OPEN FOR applications in Thurrock

With people across the creative sector struggling to make sense of how we’ll live and make a living while Covid-19 continues to make its impact felt on our daily lives,  the need for peer support has arguably never been greater. That’s why I’m really excited to be launching a new virtual action learning programme for […]Read More