Social Media: how important is it, really?

Duel’s Jon Aitken  blogs on why social media should be a vital part of your start-up development Do you need a social media presence for your brand or product? Yes. The answer is always yes. What kind of presence can be a more difficult question, and one that revolves around several factors: the resources you have at […]Read More

The #OneDayer – A Storify Summary

[View the story “The OneDayer: Finance, Technology and the Future of Independent Music” on Storify]Read More

Looking to the future of music, tech and finance: summary of the #OneDayer Insight programme

Alongside the main conference strand of the #Onedayer, the hub ran an insight programme – short presentations by experts in their own field which looked out into the future and shared (roughly!) five key ideas. Had an insightful & inspiring day @tweetsatthehub #OneDayer! Learnt about data, social future & remembering to make good music! Thanks […]Read More

‘Fresh ideas… knowledge, greater understanding, confidence and new people’ – what musicians will get from The One Dayer

the hub’s One Dayer – Independent Music, Money & Tech takes place in Camden on 1 July. In her latest blog, the hub’s Director, Julia Payne, talks about why the event is a ‘must go to’ event for musicians, songwriters and composers working in beyond mainstream music – and what they can expect to get […]Read More

Them’s the breaks – could tax breaks help the independent music sector?

Last Friday, as part of our Joining the Dots programme, we turned our thoughts to tax and the independent music sector – and more specifically whether or not tax breaks might benefit musicians, promoters and producers working in independent music. For our – highly sparky –  hubchat, which came in the same week as the government […]Read More

Here’s One I Made Earlier…Top tips for growing a new creative business

At a recent hub away day the focus was on business growth. Not something that small enterprises necessarily think of when they’re very focused on getting their idea or business off the ground, but how a business develops once its launched will determine its success or failure. We’re currently supporting four new digital/music projects through […]Read More

Top 5 Tips – Getting the most out of your #OneDayer

This sounds like the sort of guide you might read on your way to a festival, which is exactly what we hope you’ll feel when you head to July’s One Dayer. It’s a chance to meet loads of people working in your industry, from musicians to techies, promoters to producers, journalists, funders and entrepreneurs. But […]Read More